Frequently Asked Questions
We’ve answered dozens of emails from owners and potential customers covering a wide range of questions about the Voyage Air Guitar so we’ve decided to bring it to the world in a Q & A format. We will continue to update this page as we get more feedback and commonly asked questions. Expand a topic below to read more.
Does it stay in tune?
Yes, if strung correctly. Once new strings have been stretched out, a Voyage Air Guitar will stay in tune just as well as any guitar you’d walk around with in a case. There are no compromises in your tuning because the string length doesn’t change (similar to a Floyd Rose whammy bar).
Ordering & Shipping
How much, where to, and many more answered here – a full page in itself – click to read more!
What happens to the strings when the guitar is folded?
Thanks to the Patented Capture Nut, the string life is not shortened by a Voyage Air Guitar when the instrument is folded as the strings tuck into the sound hole. There is no damage or scratching of the top.
What kind of strings does Voyage Air Guitar use?
Our instruments come standard with Light Gauge Strings but a customer is welcome to use whatever strings they prefer; however, for the best experience, we recommend the OEM Voyage Air strings when replacing.
Can a Voyage Air Guitar be set up to my preferences?
Like any acoustic instrument, a Voyage Air Guitar can easily be setup to whatever the customers playing style or string preferences, as well as to their local climate. The truss rod is under a plastic cover plate on the headstock.
Can I leave it in playing position?
Yes, we want you to leave your guitar unfolded and ready to play. That way you can just grab your Voyage Air Guitar and play it. Only fold it when you need to travel or store the guitar.
Will it fit in the overhead of an airplane?
A Voyage Air Guitar will fit in the overhead of most major airlines (about 95% of all planes). Also, it can fit under the seat or in a seat. Best of all, you can wear it on your back when not in your hands!
I’ve heard the neck has some side to side play. Is this normal?
Yes, the hinge was designed to have some play. This is totally normal. Once locked in position, it is just like any other full size regular guitar.
Does a Voyage Air Guitar need to be kept humidified? What do you recommend for a humidifier?
Yes. A dried out guitar can lead to cracked tops, fret ends sticking out, general poor playability and many other issues. Like any acoustic instrument, we recommend that a Voyage Air Guitar be kept at 45-50% humidity. There are case humidifiers available here on the Voyage Air Guitar website.
Do Voyage Air Guitars come with electronics?
Yes please view our DLX models. Our acoustics are now available with an optional pickup system to any new Voyage Air Guitar acoustic purchase. Also, they can be purchased separately and installed by a qualified local tech or the customer, however, the guitar may then not be covered by warranty.
What is the Voyage Air Guitar warranty?
The warranty for a Voyage Air Guitar is 1-year on the instrument and lifetime on the hinge mechanism.
For further details of our factory warranty terms and conditions, please review this information here.
I am seriously considering ordering one but want to know more about the product.
We understand that the concept of buying a folding guitar, sight unseen, can be an unnerving thought. Let us tell you a little about us.
We began in 2008 developing our patented folding hinge technology. Our hinge and thumb bolts are designed, printed, manufactured, and assembled in California. Guitars are manufactured in a world-class facility in China, using the finest CNC machines, and talented hand working for fine quality and details.
All of our final set up and Quality Control is performed at special test stations in our expanded warehouse/distribution facility in Modesto, California. We are very picky about the quality of our products. At Voyage Air, we’re all guitar players and enthusiasts, dedicated to making the highest quality, yet most affordable guitars on the market. From the thousands of units we have shipped, customer satisfaction is over 99%. Few companies can boast that and our reputation means everything. We have many customers in your position: they need a great sounding, easy to play guitar to take on the road. Still curious? See the next topic.
"I would like to play a Voyage Air Guitar...
… but there isn’t a dealer near me. Pardon me but I am a bit concerned about buying online sight unseen or played.”
Voyage Air Guitar has never had a customer say: “This guitar just sounds and plays bad: I want my money back.” Not a one. That’s a pretty incredible record. Frankly, we think you’ll be amazed by the sound and feel of your new Voyage Air Guitar. It will sound better as you play it (the sound will “open up”). Check out customer videos on our YouTube channel here.
Where is my product information?
Someone bought me a used Voyage Air and it did not come with ANY information (“case candy”) on the proper way to fold the guitar, how to care for the strings etc.
For anyone who didn’t receive information with his or her Voyage Air Guitar can find useful information on our web site Owner’s Manual. The manual has a video on opening and folding your guitar, as well as other topics.