Sounds and plays as good or better..

I first bought my Voyage-Air guitar so I could have something easy to bring along when I drove from L.A. to the central coast of California to visit my family. It is great to have something compact enough to easily pack in the car along with our dog and luggage. The bonus was, not only is it convenient, but is sounds and plays as good or better than my other guitars!

At the end of 2019, my wife and I bought a little house in the south of France that we could eventually retire to. We planned to travel back in March of 2020 to set up the house and begin exploring the area, Covid had other plans. I was planning to bring my guitar along so I would again have something easy to travel with when we visit neighboring cities and countries.

It took us 18-months of waiting but we finally made it back to France. My Voyage-Air guitar made the first trip back with us and will stay in the house here. I look forward to bringing my Voyage-Air along as we explore Europe. It will be perfect for the planes, trains and automobiles that we will use on our adventure.

Now, if only I had a great acoustic to bring along… :-)

John M.

*Editor’s note: John is a Voyage Air owner who submitted this during our #wheresyourvoyage challenge, and our GRAND PRIZE WINNER! We look forward to hearing more stories from you and about travels with your new grand prize!