In Their Words

See what people are saying about the Travel Guitar that folds in half! Actual Voyage-Air Guitar owner testimonials from those who know the value and quality of the guitar. Want more? Read stories from “On The Road” submitted from Voyage-Air Guitar owners who share their story of how the Voyage-Air Guitar has changed their traveling with a guitar, click here.
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Hi, I have my VA since 2013 and bought it in USA. I had first an old Suzuki guitar for traveling. And as they wanted to pay for it when I had a flight to Teneriffa sold my guitar in Tenriffa and bought me that VAOM-02.

Since than I never had any problems with it by traveling with guitar. I checked it against other traveling guitars and it’s really the best!

Much better sound as any other traveling guitar!

Listen to my song “Sweetheart Lady” from Gomera
