Rolly Brown compares his VAOM-04BK to a Martin OM-18
“I ordered my VAOM-04BLK in order to make flying easier, which it of course does. I needed a guitar that looked and sounded professional, and hoped that it’d be adequate. I was surprised at how warm, rich, and loud it sounded in comparison to my several handmade and vintage guitars; considering the price, it really hung in there. At a weeklong guitar camp, both students and my fellow instructors commented on the tone.
Now, back home, I often find myself picking up the Voyage-Air when it’s time to play or practice. I genuinely like it! It’s a first class instrument, and an incredible value for the money.”
-Rolly Brown, U.S. National Fingerpicking Champion
Comparison video on the folding-neck Voyage-Air travel guitar ($589 street price) and my beloved Martin OM-18 Authentic ($5200 street price). If you don’t know about the folding neck, look here:
In my video, I’m just concerned with the sound, which you can hear for yourself. The guitar arrived yesterday, with a mostly excellent setup (there might be one little buzz that needs some attention), and I’ll be flying with it next weekend for a camp in Colorado, certain that it will hold its own in the tone and playability departments! Eileen Niehouse and Steve Edmunds (and others who asked…), listen up!!
Watch the video and read comments here.